What an exhausting and exhilarating year!
A real highlight of the last quarter of 2019 for Marjorie was editing the program for Belvoir Theatre’s The Dance of Death, which meant...

Our work is so diverse
It’s been an action packed few months … Marjorie’s highlights include: Interviewing the Aboriginal playwright and actor Katie Beckett...

When You Need a Writer—check us out!
In December Marjorie started work as the Arts Editor for the South Sydney Herald (SSH). So, check out her SSH interview with the winner...

Pens battle obesity and shutters capture history
Here are a few highlights of what we’ve been up to at You Need a Writer. We published a wonderful series of our photos on Facebook to...

What we’ve been writing about
Here’s a snapshot of what’s been happening for us at You Need a Writer. On the freelance front … Marjorie relished (and completed) her...

Good writing has much to commend it
The last few months at You Need a Writer have been busy and rewarding. On the freelance front … Marjorie recently started work as Acting...

A year of writing in review
Last year was full of busyness, change and many successes at You Need A Writer. Stephen saw Legend, his memoir of daredevil Lawrence...

Typical writing mistakes
While it’s true that no writer will ever be perfect, writes Beata Santora at Quick and Dirty Tips, it’s also true that we can continually...

Cut these words from your writing
Diana Urban says when she is writing a novel one of her last drafts focuses on cutting useless words. "Removing them helps speed up the...

How not to slip up
Even just one incorrectly used word — especially when you're trying to make a great impression — can ruin everything, says Jeff Haden at...