What an exhausting and exhilarating year!
A real highlight of the last quarter of 2019 for Marjorie was editing the program for Belvoir Theatre’s The Dance of Death, which meant she worked just one floor down from Pamela Rabe, Judy Davis and Colin Friels (some of her favourite Australian actors) as they rehearsed the show!
For Belvoir she also worked on the 2019 Season Book, the 2019 Schools Book, and programs for An Enemy of the People and Random.
+ She wrote stories about public housing, positive parenting, a Quit smoking program for Arabic speakers, a Dress for Success workshop for Thai new arrivals, an LGBTQI resource for community service agencies, a video that promotes HIV awareness, and White Ribbon events for men to help end violence against women and children.
+ As Arts Editor for the South Sydney Herald she interviewed Waterloo-based artist Rosalind Flatman, whose tiny row-house has been identified among the first to be demolished to make way for high-density living in the suburb; and Rosie Meader, a Year 12 student whose trio who performs regularly at the Rocks Markets, and recently released its third CD.
+ She wrote, edited and directed design for a 70+ page annual report for a prominent Australian-Chinese aged care foundation; and a smaller but rewarding annual report for the Australia Africa Universities Network (also reporting at the network’s conference in Perth in late August).
Stephen’s trip to the United States to shoot jazz musicians in New York and New Orleans in black and white was amazing. You can see the New Orleans results here and the New York results here.

+ He interviewed Stuart Coupe about his new book Roadies and wrote about Perry Keyes and his latest album Jim Salmon’s Lament.
+ He saw out the year as acting Communications Manager with Settlement Services International.