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Present and future stories

The good news is that Marjorie didn’t break any bones at this year’s Sydney Writers’ Festival (SWF) in May – and so she and Stephen enjoyed sessions featuring a diversity of writers, including Robbie Arnott, Fiona McFarlane, James McKenzie Watson and Susan Wyndham on “Life in the Landscape”; Anne Casey-Hardy, Fiona Kelly McGregor and Sophie Cunningham “In Praise of Difficult Women”; Shirley Le (Funny Ethnics) (pictured), Kate Scott (Compulsion), Diana Reid (Love & Virtue, Seeing Other People) and Melanie Kembrey reflecting on “Coming of Age”; Jenny Odell (How to Do Nothing and Saving Time) and Jess Scully (Glimpes of Utopia); and Annabel Crabb and Mark Mordue in “Remembering Robert Adamson and Frank Moorhouse”.

For the South Sydney Herald and others, Marjorie has written about the Montevideo Maru discovery, a forum for faith and culture leaders which equipped them to better assist families and individuals affected by domestic and family violence, understanding the referendum on a First Nations Voice to Parliament, books to help with mental health, World Pride, an NDIS forum in Waterloo and more.

Stephen is now the Music Editor for the South Sydney Herald and wrote a great piece in June about Perry Keyes’ new single ‘Last Night in Redfern Park’. His photos for the SWF are here. At Lifeline Macarthur and Western Sydney he’s been busy promoting and taking photos at a couple of fundraising galas, encouraging participation in the Push-up Challenge and Out of the Shadows, and managing a website and social media.



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