Slippery city
Sydney Writers Festival (SWF) in May is just about our favourite time of year. This year, Marjorie made it to the first session then slipped and broke her ankle.
Up until then she’d been having a busy year meeting her deadlines for the South Sydney Herald and her non-profit clients.
She visited a surgeon, got a compression boot, limped her way through a few more sessions of SWF, took a couple of days sick leave, gritted her teeth and resumed work to get the July issue of the paper to bed!
Other projects she’s worked on include capturing the findings of some bystander anti-racism training workshops, strategic communication advice regarding a community service provider’s promotional video and finalising draft copy for an annual report relating to 16+ fascinating African-Australian research projects. (Lovely trips to Tasmania and Springwood kept her buoyant in between times.)
Stephen’s work with Settlement Services International has included communications support for the New Beginnings Festival and a Refugee Week event with members of the Afghan community. And there are always the birds
